
You MUST always be in Power.
(Its not optional.)

We help you access hardware solutions that respect you and put you in control. Don't compromise on your privacy, freedom and opportunity to learn, explore and do things on your own.

We are Mostly Harmless.



Hackable Products

Powered by and built for Free Software.
Easy to repair and extend. Developed, Assembled & Customised - right here in India.


The Mostly Harmless USB

Versatile, multboot, portable USB disk.
18 Operating Systems. Rugged & Keyring compatible. Live boot and installers. Rescue tools and an Image writer too. A full arsenal of software to help you explore, install, demo, rescue and fix.


Liberated Computers

Privacy-respecting and free software-friendly laptops -- Powered by a Free Software BIOS and built for running GNU/Linux from ground up. Offer unprecedented freedom and opportunity to learn and explore. Ship with Debian GNU/Linux (main) as default.



Custom, Programmable, Mechanical Keyboards ... that you can build-on-your-own, re-program and personalise. Available in multiple configurations with different types of switches, keycaps and other customisation options.


Liberated Phones

Use MORE Free Software on your phone. Opt-out of proprietary software. Eliminate trackers and surveillance. Don't willingly share your data with services that don't respect you. By default - for a change!


Liberated Routers

Build networks powered by Free Software. Be in control. Choose greater privacy and security for your network. Do things you've never done before. Out of the box - literally!


Home Automation

Self-hosted, Hackable Home Automation ... that will let you control your home privately and securely - and without Internet access, without trackers and with a wide array of options to let you integrate, adapt and extend the system.

  Core Values  

Why do we work the way we do?
How do we know that we are doing something in the way we intended to?
How do we remain consistent with our value system? How can we take your help in this?

First - Let's put it out here.

Your Rights: First.

Don't we like it when others respect us and do things in a manner that protect us by default? Without asking for it first? We define your rights and our actions via the philosophy of the Free Software Movement.


When things break down, it must be possible to fix them. If something can't be fixed, extended and reused, we don't own it. We make sure our offerings are repairable. Even by you.

Source Code

How do we protect your rights and help you fix things? Simple: We provide complete and equivalent source code for all our work. Under a license guaranteed to protect your rights.

Self Hosted

How could you be in control unless all aspects of your solution's ecosystem are hosted by you and in your control? Self-hosting is an easy way to examine how free your servers, networks, backends, software and hardware really are.



Embedded OS Development

Need help building custom GNU/Linux-based operating systems for single-board computers? Want to automate packaging, delivery and updates of your software?


Hardware Development

Want a liberated hardware solution for your requirement? Need help figuring out how to solve a hardware problem quickly? Want to design or integrate custom hardware for a project?