Build networks powered by Free Software. Be in control.
Choose greater privacy and security for your network.
Do things you've never done before.
Out of the box!
Most routers contain proprietary software by default. They also restrict what you can do
with your router.
Liberated Routers provide you with a free
software solution by default.
OpenWrt provides the richest libre embedded operating system for networking and much more. Use the bundled Luci interface to manage your local network, wireless and Internet connections.
Build your own DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) resolver or Ad blocker. Connect to VPNs.
Access your local network remotely.
Build a print server. Share a data-card with the entire network.
And so much more...
"Mostly Harmless" / "Libre Tech Shop" are not affiliated with OpenWrt. OpenWrt is a registered trademark owned by Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC).